I’m now in the final chapter of my third trimester — and find myself wanting to remember more of the little things and milestones of my first pregnancy. Many of you have kindly sent congratulations and questions on how I’m feeling. My hope is to document more of this particular time of my life, personally — and also answer some common questions I’ve received. And perhaps offer something to someone else currently in this stage, too — for now or in the future.
How and when did you find out?
I took a pregnancy test early April, which showed positive! My husband and I made an appointment to confirm our pregnancy and first heard our baby’s heartbeat by 7 weeks.
Wait, were you pregnant while in Europe this spring?
I sure was! My husband and I had already planned a trip to France for early May, by which time I was nearly 9 or 10 weeks pregnant. Thankfully I felt pretty great throughout the trip (and first trimester in general), I just felt more tired than usual. The only bummer was having to pass on all the good French wine and cheese. Here I was 10 weeks pregnant in Provence.
Boy or girl?
We’re so excited to be expecting a baby boy! We found out at around 12 weeks, as we opted in for non-invasive genetic screening tests.
Do you have a name selected?
We do. We’re set on his first name, but are still deciding his middle name. We’ll share his full name once he arrives.
When is your due date?
December 15. The thought of having a baby in time for Christmas and the new year is extra special.
Any food cravings/aversions?
Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I craved things that are refreshing and cold, like juice and smoothies. Lots of citrus fruit. Cereal. Give me all the simple carbs like pasta, rice, crackers, etc. As far as aversions? Coffee was something I noticed right away. I’m usually a coffee diehard who drinks it strong and black. I now add almond milk and creamer, limiting to a cup or two per day. I also usually love seafood and sadly can’t stomach the thought of it right now.
How do you feel about your ‘bump’?
I love it! I wouldn’t say I started to show until around 20 or 21 weeks (pictured above) — but really popped around 28 weeks, at which time there was no mistaking this lady is pregnant. I’m now embracing maternity jeans and basically anything with a comfortable (or no) waistband.
Have you begun the nursery?
The nursery is in progress! We’re giving the room a fresh coat of paint — plus, we took on a big project ourselves of adding custom moldings to the walls. While the room is yet to be finished, we have a few bigger pieces ready to go like a crib, changing table dresser, blackout window treatments, and a comfortable upholstered swivel chair in which I anticipate spending lots of time. Perhaps I’ll share the completed nursery once baby arrives!
Did you create a baby registry?
Yes, I used Babylist (not sponsored) to create our baby registry. What I love about Babylist is that you can add any item from essentially any website (Amazon, Pottery Barn Kids, RH Baby, Etsy, etc.) Babylist is really easy to use and also has a good amount of resources/guides that are very helpful, especially for a first-time parent.
Any resources you’ve found helpful?
I’ve been using this mobile app to track pregnancy process and early symptoms, especially during the first months. I did order a handful of books that came recommended off Amazon like Bringing Up Bébé, Happiest Baby on the Block, Babywise, and The Expectant Father. To be honest, I put those books to rest. I know many find them helpful, but I just didn’t click with them. However, these two classics spoke to me: What to Expect When You’re Expecting and What to Expect: The First Year. I felt these two offered practical advice in a positive, reassuring tone. When browsing my phone, helpful websites I’ve turned have been What to Expect, The Bump, and BabyCenter. I’m also looking forward to taking a hospital tour and labor/delivery class at the hospital soon. I’m prepared as one can be, perhaps!
Favorite beauty products you’re using while pregnant?
I continued my usual skincare (except Retinol and Salicylic Acid) during pregnancy. Favorite skincare products I use daily that are pregnancy safe are: Vitamin C serum (for a brighter, glowy complexion) and Clarins Blue Orchid Face Treatment Oil (as a hydrating moisturizer). Other than that, drinking lots of water and taking pre-natal vitamins have helped me feel my best. I also love this Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Nourishing Oil, which is great for body and has a nice citrusy lemon scent.
Anything not so enjoyable about your pregnancy?
I’m thankful to have not felt sick or had complications during my pregnancy. During the first trimester, I just felt very fatigued. My energy came back during my second trimester, though I was having a hard time staying asleep at night. As for the third trimester, I’ve been feeling pretty great and sleeping has gotten a bit better. It’s now adjusting to a rapidly growing belly and feeling out of breath. Never have I felt so winded after a single flight of stairs, haha. I’ve also had heartburn/acid reflux toward the end of pregnancy. According to wive’s tales: this baby will be born with a head of hair. We’ll see!
Do you have a specific ‘birth plan’ for labor/delivery?
Honestly, no. I feel confident in the medical care team that’s with me and trust our decision process, should anything unexpected occur. I’m going in with a mindset to deliver a healthy baby by whatever means and to keep as safe/positive process as possible. (And ‘yes,’ please, to the epidural.)
Anything surprise you about being pregnant?
I’ve always wanted to be a mom, so in all honesty — the feelings of gratitude and love have overcome me during pregnancy. It’s all such a gift and miracle, really. I’m amazed at each doctor’s appointment when I can hear his heartbeat or see his growth during an ultrasound. I thought it might feel like I was pregnant for forever, but really I’m just amazed at how quickly it has all flown by. Pretty incredible all that happens in a span of 9 months. It makes me think of all that my own mom has given me — plus, the mamas before me, current moms, and those who hope to someday become one.

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Thank you for reading more of my experience and letting me share this time of expecting our baby! I can always be reached by email, or find me on Instagram.