I woke up this morning to strong storms outside and realized there’s something about a rainy day that makes me want to cozy up at my favorite coffee spot. (Anyone else?). A few of you have asked for more Chicago-focused content here on the site, and I’m happy to do that! Today I’m sharing a handful of my current favorite spots for coffee in Chicago. I admit I’m a bit of a coffee snob and prefer my brew bold… these places pass the test! Some are perfect spots for grab-and-go, while others are suitable to set up and stay with a book or laptop.
The Allis // 113 N. Green
Left Coast // 2878 N. Lincoln
Intelligentsia // 3123 N. Broadway
Heritage Outpost // 1325 W. Wilson
Floriole // 1220 W. Webster
Beatrix // 519 N. Clark
Dollop // 345 E. Ohio
Any other places you’d add to the list? I always love discovering new places!