Category: personal

Announcing: New Series!

I’m excited to establish a new series here on the blog… coffee talk! A little reasoning for the series: Every week, I receive several emails and Instagram messages from lovely readers — and I thought I’d open up the discussion…

My Summer Bucket List

Summer is here… and I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one. I’ve already enjoyed a fun start to the season, doing those ‘quintessential’ summery things — like baseball games, cookouts, concerts and such.  Summer always seems to fly…


{the beginning of sailing season!} {a weekend visit to Fish Creek, WI — how pretty are these skies?} {a favorite bikini of mine} {sharing wedding planning updates, and…} {…where we’re saying ‘I do’ — New Orleans!} {many of you loved…

Where We’re Getting Married

Since becoming engaged in December, we’ve made progress with the more “major” side of wedding plans — like our date and venue. Well, I’m happy to say, both have been secured for some time now (yay!) and I can share…

The Things That Matter

My week is ending on a bittersweet note, as I’m headed to my parents’ hometown to celebrate the life of my Grandpa Bill. He passed away at the age of 90 and led a wonderful life — he had a…


{tulips are the unofficial flower of Easter, right?} {loving this blue and white collection for summer} {chatting our wedding registry with Pottery Barn} {welcoming weekend guests with ranunculus and rosé!} {beginning to see glimpses of spring in bloom in Chicago} {bringing this…

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